Karina Roosvita

Karina Roosvita is a Yogyakarta-based artist and curator who explores the gender issue. She investigates the politics of gender, including gender inequality, stereotyping and gender-based violence in Indonesia with an interdisciplinary approach including participatory and ethnography research, and also through creating exhibitions and workshops. Roosvita presented the ideas of 'equality' and 'safe space' through a wide range of mediums, such as storytelling and photography, film, video, and fibre art. Recently, Roosvita co-founded Inkubator Inisiatif, a platform to open an interdisciplinary and inter-generation dialogue about contemporary art development to create an opportunity for women artists to excel.Her collaborative art projects have been presented in Cemeti Institut (Yogyakarta), Indonesia Contemporary Art Network (Yogyakarta), OZ Asia Festival (Adelaide), Georgetown Festival (Penang), APT 8 (Brisbane), and National Museum Szczecin (Szczecin), among many others.

Together with Vicky Gerrard, Roosvita co-curating Twisted Myth as an exchange platform for artists and creatives to explore the politics of myth. For this project, Roosvita will locate the myth of Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, the powerful Queen who rules The Southern Coast of Yogyakarta, into the passion of local women residents who build resilient recent physical development happening along the Southern Coast.

twisted myth
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