Putri Siswanto

Putri Siswanto graduated from Indonesia Institute of the Art, Yogyakarta with a bachelor of art degree. She is active in several art events in Yogyakarta and works with both local and international artists as an independent art manager. She experiments with different forms art management - working as a gallerist, artist assistant, project manager/coordinator, and even managing her own teak wood business. Currently, she works remotely for Vin Gallery, Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam.

Putri is a critical practitioner. With the art management collective Pengelolaan Ruang Seni (PR Seni) she has organised a series of discussions to question art management practices; inviting art handlers, gallery owners, accountants, researchers, and many more. For Twisted Myth Putri with continue this critical work, interrogating the myth of arts management as a practice.

twisted myth
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